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A Tempest Cleric Multiclass Guide

Bring the Storm

A Tempest Cleric Multiclass Guide

Need a tempest cleric build that is unique and flavorful?

The Tempest Cleric is a powerful and versatile subclass that can deal devastating damage with their lightning and thunder spells. However, some players may find the class to be a bit one-dimensional, as it lacks the healing and support capabilities of other cleric subclasses.

If you're looking for a way to add some variety to your Tempest Cleric, consider multiclassing into another class. This can give you access to new spells, abilities, and proficiencies that can make your character more versatile and effective in combat.

One popular multiclass option for Tempest Clerics is the Storm Sorcerer. This subclass grants you access to powerful storm-themed spells, such as Call Lightning and Thunderwave. You also gain the ability to cast spells while raging, which can be a major advantage in combat. For these reasons, I've decided to create a guide for the Tempest Cleric Multiclass. In this guide, I'll provide you with two different build options, one that focuses on damage dealing and one that focuses on support. I'll also discuss the pros and cons of each build, so you can decide which one is right for you.
